The Gulag : Clash of Clan Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base And Strategies

Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base: The Gulag, featuring compact and solid core.
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base: The Gulag, featuring compact and solid core.

This base was first found on Base Design 101 Clash of Clans Supercell forum. The creator did not mention any name for it. I even lost the original image and url to the thread. Then it is my sorry for the author where I can not address the credits for him.

The name The Gulag was inspired by my current favorite game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 where we rescue Captain Price a.k.a Captain Mac Tarvish. According to Wikipedia, The Gulag also exist in the real world.

Also read:

The original version of the base was a farming base. Until I decide to modify it to meet my needs as I started to build my freshly upgraded base from Town Hall level 8. My requirement was simple, I need a base to protect my resources which is solid and well balanced.

My modification serve very well both in farming and trophy hunting which is hybrid. I also modify it for my war base where half of the storage was put outside of the base to work as meat walls.

The Base

The farming base has a compact and solid core where it keep the Dark Elixir storage in the center. Semi centralized Clan Castle along side with the Mighty Archer Queen will help cover both side of the base. Here is the whole base:

Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base: The Gulag, featuring compact and solid core.
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9 Farming Base: The Gulag, featuring compact and solid core.
As you can see, the farming base above does not have any double giant bomb as required by some base designer to face rare hog rider attack, but this base was covered with traps all over the base. Based on my experiences, double giant bombs is no longer effective to stop mass maximum level hog riders combines with high level heal spell. That is also the reason why I have maxed my skeleton trap as soon I have upgraded my Town Hall level 8. Yap, beside hog riders attack was rare, it is also weak against skeleton.

Farming Strategies

I have using this base from Gold League to Master III League where I got my free 1000 gems to buy new builder hut. But, while pushing trophy in lower league, I was using hybrid version of the base. In that time I was focused on farming for gold and dark elixir to train my level 4 hog rider.

I was raiding using giwipe (giant, wizard and pekka combination) to maintain my trophy. With troop composition: 12 giant (level 5), 2 pekka (level 3), 7 wall breaker (level 5) and rest army camp was filled by wizard and archer of level 5. I only targeting wall-outside Town Hall (I cant let go of win loot bonus) or high level of loot for two star only. Three stars is a plus.

You might want to try this base with your own preferences, may be you can swap Air Defence with X-Bow? I appreciate any criticism.
